How important is using the correct datatype in MySQL?

Frequently in performance talks I hear speakers talk about the importance of using the correct datatypes for storing values in columns. i.e. representing a number with an INT or BIGINT, storing IP addresses as INT UNSIGNED, and VARCHAR(60) instead of VARCHAR(255).

This advice is correct, but today I thought I would try my best to go into a bit more detail đŸ™‚

The Reasons

I can think of three reasons why this optimization is true:

  1. Using numeric data types as strings incurs some added CPU overhead performing character-set and collation work. i.e. it’s not free to make 'MontrĂ©al' = 'Montreal' = 'MONTREAL', but MySQL behaves this way by default.

  2. Using correct data types will save space. By ‘space’ usually memory-fit is more important than disk fit, as it can improve cache efficiency. Disk fit can also be important with smaller SSDs.

  3. Some wire protocol and client library buffers are not variable in length. This is a little out of scope of my knowledge area, but you should expect more memory consumption with larger VARCHAR values – so going to just a little bit of effort judging expected length can help.

Memory Fit

I would rate reason (2) above as the most likely reason for why this optimization is correct. In fact, I would say that a large majority of optimizations made by DBAs are to try and stretch out memory fit for as long as possible. i.e. indexes prevent table scans,
and allow you to focus on just the data you need.

Lets take a look at memory fit improvements by concentrating on data types:

  • Short primary keys. There is a lot of space to be saved by keeping your PRIMARY KEY as short as possible. InnoDB uses a clustered index, with the value of the PRIMARY KEY also included in each secondary index as an internal row pointer.

  • Smaller values for indexed columns. Indexed values are essentially duplicated because they appear in both the index and the table row, so there is an amplification created by any inefficiency.

    How much of a memory fit improvement you will gain depends on how the index is accessed. For example:

    • SELECT DISTINCT(indexed_col) FROM my_table requires all of the index in memory to be efficient.
    • Ranged access such as SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE indexed_col BETWEEN x AND y may also require more memory fit if the ranges are wide. However, this can also be true for non ranged access (i.e. SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE indexed_col = x) if indexed_col is not unique and matches a number of rows.
    • If the index has good cardinality (i.e. a high distribution of values), and the queries executed focus on a smaller percentage of values, then memory fit may be less important.
  • Smaller values for un-indexed columns. It is also important to make sure that any un-indexed columns are small, but to a lesser degree. The case where I expect it to matter the most is if your workload includes table scans, or if there is the situation where ‘hot’ rows are highly scattered amongst a large number of pages.

    Small side-note: MySQL 5.6 allows you to change the InnoDB page size, which may help improve memory fit in this case too.

That’s all I can think of. What am I missing?

Explicit Partition Selection in MySQL 5.6

In case you missed it, MySQL 5.6 added support for explicit partition selection. Since its release in MySQL 5.1, I have found partitioning an incredibly useful feature for aging out time-series data, and I plan to put this new syntax to work.

Today I wanted to show two hypothetical examples of how it can be used.

Consider it an optimizer hint

MySQL is usually able to optimize a query to search only the partitions which will be required. For example here we can see there are 4 partitions but 2 are searched:

 id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
 cola char(255)

*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: t1
   partitions: p1,p2
         type: range
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 4
          ref: NULL
         rows: 2
        Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This feature is called partition pruning.

However, similar to optimizer hints there may be cases where you are in a better position to decide which partitions should be accessed. A (poor) example to demonstrate this, is to alter the previous example and pass the value 120 through a non-deterministic function:


WHERE id BETWEEN myint(120) AND 140\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: t1
   partitions: p0,p1,p2,p3 <-- requires all partitions
         type: ALL
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 4
        Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

WHERE id BETWEEN myint(120) AND 140\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: t1
   partitions: p1,p2 <-- searches two partitions mentioned
         type: ALL
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 2
        Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Workaround partition-columns required in primary key

I am not sure I recommend this suggestion, but for some applications retrofitting in partitioning is difficult because it may require modification of the primary key. Here is an example:

mysql> CREATE TABLE invoices (
->      id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
->      created_at datetime NOT NULL,
->      customer_id INT NOT NULL,
->      total_amount DECIMAL(10,2)
->     )
->      PARTITION BY RANGE (YEAR(created_at)) (
->       PARTITION p2009 VALUES LESS THAN (2010),
->       PARTITION p2010 VALUES LESS THAN (2011),
->       PARTITION p2011 VALUES LESS THAN (2012),
->       PARTITION p2012 VALUES LESS THAN (2013),
->     );
ERROR 1503 (HY000): A PRIMARY KEY must include all 
columns in the table's partitioning function

It is possible to use the new explicit selection as a way of bypassing this requirement by partitioning by range on the primary key, and then naming the partitions as something useful. For example:

CREATE TABLE invoices (
 id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
 created_at datetime NOT NULL,
 customer_id INT NOT NULL,
 total_amount DECIMAL(10,2)

Application queries can then be written as:

SELECT * FROM invoices PARTITION(p2009) WHERE customer_id=2134;

Why I said I don’t recommend it, is that if a created_at date were to be modified, the row could suddenly find itself in the wrong partition. With the typical usage (partition by range on created_at) the row will be moved to another partition automatically upon modification.

How do you use partitioning?
Do you find explicit partition selection useful?
Leave a comment!

The future of ALTER IGNORE TABLE syntax

As part of the ongoing effort to refactor MySQL and make it better, we are defining the behaviour of certain features and in some cases reimplimenting them in a more maintainable fashion.

I have previously blogged on:
* A proposal to simplify SQL_MODE options.
* The Federated Storage Engine.
* The Query Cache.
* The deprecation of NULL synonym \N.

Today what I want to write about, is the IGNORE option in ALTER TABLE. From the MySQL manual:

“IGNORE is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. It controls how ALTER
TABLE works if there are duplicates on unique keys in the new table
or if warnings occur when strict mode is enabled. If IGNORE is not
specified, the copy is aborted and rolled back if duplicate-key
errors occur. If IGNORE is specified, only the first row is used of
rows with duplicates on a unique key. The other conflicting rows are
deleted. Incorrect values are truncated to the closest matching
acceptable value.”

This creates several issues for the MySQL server team:

  1. IGNORE could remove rows from a parent table when using a foreign key relationship.
  2. IGNORE makes it impossible to use InnoDB Online DDL for several operations, for example adding a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE INDEX.
  3. IGNORE has some strange side-effects for replication. For example: DDL is always replicated via statement-based replication, and since SQL does not imply ordering, it’s not clear which rows will be deleted as part of the ignore step. I also see cross-version replication problematic if future MySQL versions were to introduce more strictness, since a slave may de-duplicate more rows.

The most common case

We believe that the most common use case for IGNORE is to be able to add a UNIQUE INDEX on a table which currently has duplicate values present. i.e.


In this scenario, a novice user manages to avoid auditing each entry in the users table, and simply lets MySQL pick a row to be kept, with all duplicates automatically removed.

There are two other ways to be able to do that:

Hand removal

Using the same an example as above, return a list of email addresses and PRIMARY KEY values for records that conflict:

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id), emailaddress, count(*) as count FROM users 
GROUP BY emailaddress HAVING count >= 2;

/* delete or merge duplicate from above query */

ALTER TABLE users ADD UNIQUE INDEX (emailaddress);

Note: This method will be the fastest way, since when not using IGNORE, MySQL is able to use InnoDB’s Online DDL.


While this method looks very similar, internally it’s semantics are quite different:

CREATE TABLE users_new LIKE users;
ALTER TABLE users ADD UNIQUE INDEX (emailaddress);
RENAME TABLE users_new TO users;

By creating a table first, the MySQL server will not have to manage rows in a foreign key relationship. The rows will also be re-sent to the slave using row-based replication, so issue (3) I mentioned above does not come into play.


We are looking for feedback on how you use this feature.

Is there another common use-case we are not accounting for?

Would it be acceptable to add a feature to MySQL Workbench to assist in preparing a table for adding a unique index (similar to hand removal)?

Help shape the future of MySQL. Please leave a comment or contact me.

A closer look at Online DDL in MySQL 5.6

MySQL 5.6 introduced online DDL for InnoDB tables, which means that a number of ALTER TABLE statements no longer block access to data modification while running.

I’ve written about this feature before: it was enough to make one of my freelancing customers fall in love with MySQL again. Today I wanted to go through what’s covered and what’s not.

The Manual

The MySQL manual actually does all the work for me, since there is a table under Overview of Online DDL.

The particular column you want to pay attention to is “Allows Concurrent DML?”, which means that means that neither reads or writes are blocked.

Operation In-Place? Copies Table? Allows Concurrent DML? Allows Concurrent Query? Notes
Yes* No* Yes Yes Some restrictions for FULLTEXT index; see next row.
Currently, the operation is not in-place (that is, it
copies the table) if the same index being created was also
dropped by an earlier clause in the same
ALTER TABLE statement.
Yes No* No Yes Creating the first FULLTEXT index for a table
involves a table copy, unless there is a user-supplied
FTS_DOC_ID column. Subsequent
FULLTEXT indexes on the same table can
be created in-place.
DROP INDEX Yes No Yes Yes Modifies .frm file only, not the data file.
old_alter_table=1 or
mysqld --skip-new
option is enabled. OPTIMIZE TABLE using
supported for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Set default value for a column Yes No Yes Yes Modifies .frm file only, not the data file.
Change auto-increment value
for a column
Yes No Yes Yes Modifies a value stored in memory, not the data file.
Add a foreign key
Yes* No* Yes Yes To avoid copying the table, disable
foreign_key_checks during
constraint creation.
Drop a foreign key
Yes No Yes Yes The foreign_key_checks option can be
enabled or disabled.
Rename a column Yes* No* Yes* Yes To allow concurrent DML, keep the same data type and only change the
column name.
Add a column Yes Yes Yes* Yes Concurrent DML is not allowed when adding an
column. Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is
allowed, the data is reorganized substantially, so it is
still an expensive operation.
Drop a column Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Reorder columns Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Change ROW_FORMAT property Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Change KEY_BLOCK_SIZE property Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Make column NULL Yes Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Make column NOT NULL Yes* Yes Yes Yes When SQL_MODE includes
strict_all_tables or
strict_all_tables, the operation fails
if the column contains any nulls. Although
ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data
is reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
Change data type of column No Yes No Yes
Add primary key Yes* Yes Yes Yes Although ALGORITHM=INPLACE is allowed, the data is
reorganized substantially, so it is still an expensive
operation. ALGORITHM=INPLACE is not
allowed under certain conditions if columns have to be
converted to NOT NULL. See
Example 14.9, “Creating and Dropping the Primary Key”.
Drop primary key and add another Yes Yes Yes Yes ALGORITHM=INPLACE is only allowed when you add a new
primary key in the same ALTER
; the data is reorganized substantially, so
it is still an expensive operation.
Drop primary key No Yes No Yes Restrictions apply when you drop a primary key primary key without
adding a new one in the same ALTER
Convert character set No Yes No Yes Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Specify character set No Yes No Yes Rebuilds the table if the new character encoding is different.
Rebuild with FORCE option Yes Yes Yes Yes Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17.
old_alter_table=1 or
mysqld --skip-new
option is enabled. Table rebuild using online DDL
(ALGORITHM=INPLACE) is not supported
for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Rebuild with null ALTER TABLE ...
Yes Yes Yes Yes Uses ALGORITHM=INPLACE as of MySQL 5.6.17.
old_alter_table=1 or
mysqld --skip-new
option is enabled. Table rebuild using online DDL
(ALGORITHM=INPLACE) is not supported
for tables with FULLTEXT indexes.
Set table-level persistent
statistics options
Yes No Yes Yes Modifies .frm file only, not the data file.

Update: I have updated the table to reflect changes in MySQL 5.6.17.

Find that hard to remember?

What I also like about MySQL 5.6, is that it also introduces syntax to force ALTER TABLE statements to not run if they can not be performed online. Here is an example of using LOCK=NONE (must allow concurrent DML):

mysql> CREATE TABLE a (id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a char(100),
 b char(100));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> ALTER TABLE a ADD INDEX idx_a (a), LOCK=NONE;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

ERROR 1846 (0A000): LOCK=NONE is not supported. 
 Reason: Dropping a primary key is not allowed without 
 also adding a new primary key. Try LOCK=SHARED.

I recommend using this syntax whenever writing migration scripts so you are never surprised by how much impact they will have.

What’s upcoming?

In general I would comment that the number of operations which switched to being online in 5.6 is quite substancial. In MySQL 5.7 two additional improvements to online DDL are available, and are already noted in the MySQL 5.7 manual page:

  1. Extending a VARCHAR column is online.
  2. Renaming an index is online.

Have you used Online DDL in 5.6? Please leave a comment and share your experiences.

Reducing MySQL durability for testing

A while ago, I wrote how to make MySQL perform durably in production. Today I want to do the opposite: configure MySQL (with the InnoDB storage engine) for when you really don’t care about your data.

Continuous integration/automated testing is a good example of when you want to do this, since you usually test for functionality and not performance characteristics. It also helps in situations when the data is very easy to rebuild.

Obligatory Disclaimer: These settings are not safe for production environments!

Configuration Settings

  • Keep the binary log disabled (i.e. comment out any log-bin lines in configuration). For testing, you don’t need to be able to point-in-time restore, or seed replicas with changes.

  • Set sync_frm=0. This makes any DDL (schema changes) unsafe, but removes an fsync that is required to make sure the changes are safely on disk.

  • Set innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=0. This reduces redo log file pressure as data is committed. I would rate this as one of the most important settings to change. The particular case when it will help the most is when you are running on hardware without a battery backed write cache.

  • Set innodb-doublewrite=0. This makes recovery unsafe, as InnoDB will not be able to recover from a partially written page. However, as with all these steps, we are working with the assumption that you will just throw out the data when that happens.

  • Set innodb-checksums=0. Page checksums are InnoDB’s mechanism to make sure the underlying hardware isn’t failing and corrupting data. It’s usually only a small hit (although more measurable with SSDs), and is only used on loading/unloading pages from disk.

  • Set innodb_support_xa=0. This makes sure changes between the binary logs and synchronized. Since we don’t care about recoverability, we can disable it.

  • Set innodb-log-file-size and innodb-buffer-pool-size appropriately large. I have a guide here. You can typically go much larger on the log files when you don’t care about recoverability – 4G or 8G.

  • In your session set unique_checks=0 and foreign_key_checks=0. These two options are optional, since they are the only recommendation listed here which change behaviour. When set they remove internal constraint checking, which means that a unique key may not actually be unique.

    You may notice these options from files created by mysqldump.

What is an fsync

Many of these settings improve performance specifically because they reduce the number of fsync operations that MySQL needs to do. An fsync is required to keep data safe so it’s not in an in memory buffer when power is lost.

But in making the buffers safe, fsync operations also reduce the amount of request re-ordering and merging that can be done at the layers below MySQL. This will typically drop performance substantially in all situations except when you have a RAID Controller with a battery backed cache.

A special note on libeatmydata

Stewart Smith also maintains a library to disable all fsync operations called libeatmydata. I do not expect it to deliver large performance gains over the configuration recommended above, but I can think one good situation to use it: when you have a desire to keep MySQL configuration the same in testing as it is in production. libeatmydata provides an external way to change MySQL’s behaviour, since it just requires one small change to how mysqld is started.

Did I miss anything? Please leave a comment.

Proposal to simplify SQL_MODE options

In the MySQL team, we’ve observed that having a large number of possible SQL modes creates confusion amongst users. For example, if you follow my advice on ‘recommended defaults for new applications’, it is:


This is quite specific, and may be too much to expect of a novice user to set in configuration.

One proposal we are putting forward to address this is to simply reduce the number of options that are available. Namely:

  • Have these behaviours be enabled when turning on the strict mode (STRICT_TRANS_TABLES for transactional tables, STRICT_ALL_TABLES for all tables).

Which would then bring the list down to:


This has some compatibility consequences of course. To understand the change a little more, let me explain what these options do:


Produce an error in strict mode (otherwise a warning) when a division by zero (or MOD(X,0)) occurs during an INSERT or UPDATE. If this mode is not enabled, MySQL instead returns NULL for divisions by zero. For INSERT IGNORE or UPDATE IGNORE, MySQL generates a warning for divisions by zero, but the result of the operation is NULL.

For SELECT, division by zero returns NULL. Enabling this mode causes a warning to be generated as well.


In strict mode, do not permit '0000-00-00' as a valid date. You can still insert zero dates with the IGNORE option. When not in strict mode, the date is accepted but a warning is generated.


In strict mode, do not accept dates where the year part is nonzero but the month or day part is 0 (for example, '0000-00-00' is legal but '2010-00-01' and '2010-01-00' are not). If used with the IGNORE option, MySQL inserts a '0000-00-00' date for any such date. When not in strict mode, the date is accepted but a warning is generated.

So in a sense, we are proposing that strict mode will become stricter and that each of these individual behaviours will no longer have their own on/off switches.

What do you think –

  • Do you agree that SQL_MODE usability is an issue?
  • Would this change cause you any compatibility issues? i.e. We would be interested to hear a use-case where you need to enable these options individually.
  • Do you have any other suggestions on how to improve SQL_MODE usability?

We value your input. Please leave a comment, or get in touch.

Benchmarking InnoDB page compression performance

InnoDB page compression is a feature that really interests me. I wrote this about it recently when describing how to improve the performance of large tables in MySQL:

“Use innodb page compression. For some workloads (particularly those with lots of char/varchar/text data types) compression will allow the data to be more compact, stretching out that performance curve for longer. It may also allow you to more easily justify SSDs which are typically smaller in capacity. InnoDB page compression was improved a lot in MySQL 5.6, courtesy of Facebook providing a series of patches.”

After writing that, I decided to setup an experiment.

The Experiment

I wanted to find data that was typical to be stored in a database, but would also compress well. There is a huge potential for skew here, since if I used dummy data such as ‘AAAAAAAAAAAA’ it will compress very well. Likewise, jpeg images stored in blobs would unlikely compress any more than they already are. So I arrived at using the English version of Wikipedia, which is hopefully representative of “real data”.

So after downloading the data set and importing it from its XML format into MySQL, I ran the following script:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS text_16K_compressed;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS text_8K_compressed;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS text_4K_compressed;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS text_16K_uncompressed;

CREATE TABLE `text_16K_compressed` (
  `old_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `old_text` mediumblob NOT NULL,
  `old_flags` tinyblob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`old_id`)

CREATE TABLE `text_8K_compressed` (
  `old_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `old_text` mediumblob NOT NULL,
  `old_flags` tinyblob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`old_id`)

CREATE TABLE `text_4K_compressed` (
  `old_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `old_text` mediumblob NOT NULL,
  `old_flags` tinyblob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`old_id`)

CREATE TABLE `text_16K_uncompressed` (
  `old_id` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `old_text` mediumblob NOT NULL,
  `old_flags` tinyblob NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`old_id`)

select now();
INSERT INTO text_16K_compressed SELECT * FROM text;
select now();
INSERT INTO text_8K_compressed SELECT * FROM text;
select now();
INSERT INTO text_4K_compressed SELECT * FROM text;
select now();
INSERT INTO text_16K_uncompressed SELECT * FROM text;
select now();

With the results, there’s really two aspects to measure compression by here – footprint and import time:

So for 4K and 8K pages, there is a >50% saving in disk space, since the table compresses down from 51G to 21G. In addition, it’s pretty clear that (at least on my hardware) the compression doesn’t have any impact on the import time: the reduced footprint actually helped the 8K compressed pages take less time to insert than the uncompressed.

So I believe I did manage to prove that compression is very useful. However I also acknowledge that there is some skew in my test:

  • INSERT SELECT is single threaded. Ideally a test should reflect a real-life requirement.
  • My single 5400 RPM hard drive does not reflect common configuration in production.
  • I also disabled the doublewrite buffer and set innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=2. It would be nice to demonstrate if this impacts the test.
  • I really should have waited for all dirty pages to flush between all tests. This was an oversight on my part, and I think this advantaged 16K uncompressed insert (which is just a little better than the others).

Full Disclosure

Some details about my setup:

  • Linux Mint 15 (Ubuntu 13.04)
  • MySQL 5.7.2
  • Intel i5-2400 4 core CPU @ 3.10GHz
  • Single 5400 RPM 1TB Hard Drive (WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1)
  • 32G RAM

MySQL Configuration changes from default:


Raw output from tests:

morgo@shuttle ~/Downloads $ ~/sandboxes/msb_5_7_2/use mediawiki < create-compressed-tables.sql
2013-10-28 16:12:04
2013-10-29 01:34:48
2013-10-29 11:20:04
2013-10-29 21:13:27
2013-10-30 07:37:48

morgo@shuttle ~/sandboxes/msb_5_7_2/data/mediawiki $ ls -lS text*
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 63472402432 Oct 28 14:35 text.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 53741617152 Oct 30 07:40 text_16K_uncompressed.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 38176555008 Oct 29 01:51 text_16K_compressed.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 21768437760 Oct 29 21:32 text_4K_compressed.ibd <-- See below
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 21768437760 Oct 29 11:40 text_8K_compressed.ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo        8642 Oct 28 16:12 text_16K_compressed.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo        8642 Oct 28 16:12 text_16K_uncompressed.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo        8642 Oct 28 16:12 text_4K_compressed.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo        8642 Oct 28 16:12 text_8K_compressed.frm
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo        8642 Oct 27 19:22 text.frm

An earlier version of this post featured incorrect results for 4K compressed pages (credit: @Skunnyk). Here are the results for 4K pages re-processed:

morgo@shuttle ~/Downloads $ ~/sandboxes/msb_5_7_2/use mediawiki < create-compressed-tables.sql
2013-10-31 11:31:24
2013-10-31 22:13:32

morgo@shuttle ~/sandboxes/msb_5_7_2/data/mediawiki $ ls -lS text_4*ibd
-rw-rw---- 1 morgo morgo 20858273792 Oct 31 22:24 text_4K_compressed.ibd

Installing the latest MySQL 5.6 on Amazon Linux using official repos

In case you missed the announcement Monday, there are now official yum repositories for Fedora 18, 19 and Enterprise Linux 6 (Red Hat and Oracle Linux).

In my case however, I often use Amazon Web Services, and I find that Amazon Linux is just a little bit friendlier to use, since it has better mirror configuration out of the box.

The good news for me is that the official MySQL yum repositories (unofficially) work just fine. Here is an example installation:

sudo yum localinstall
sudo yum install mysql-community-server
sudo service mysqld start

Configure mysqld to start on boot:

sudo chkconfig mysqld on
chkconfig --list mysqld

And that’s it, you’re all set up and running. One thing I noticed, is the configuration file included is very clean! This is because MySQL has improved all the defaults in 5.6:

# For advice on how to change settings please see

# Remove leading # and set to the amount of RAM for the most important data
# cache in MySQL. Start at 70% of total RAM for dedicated server, else 10%.
# innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
# Remove leading # to turn on a very important data integrity option: logging
# changes to the binary log between backups.
# log_bin
# Remove leading # to set options mainly useful for reporting servers.
# The server defaults are faster for transactions and fast SELECTs.
# Adjust sizes as needed, experiment to find the optimal values.
# join_buffer_size = 128M
# sort_buffer_size = 2M
# read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M

# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks

# Recommended in standard MySQL setup


It doesn’t get much simpler than this. I love it!

Norvald has also blogged about some of the other improvements to the packaging (systemd,
tmpfiles.d, SELinux, multilib).

MySQL New Feature Checklist

I spotted this checklist attached to a Worklog for an upcoming change in MySQL 5.7.3 (not yet released). What it is, is a series of Yes/No questions to be answered by developers, which is used as part of the QA process.

  1. Any new/modification in syntax introduced
  2. Any change in existing behavior of SQL
  3. Any change in mysql protocol
  4. Any change in result formatting or data types
  6. Concurrency testing Required
  7. Any lock/deadlock testing required
  8. Any multi user/client testing
  9. Do you expect any data race, Data Corruption when multiple users request
  10. Boundary value testing
  11. Replication testing is needed
  12. Any change in binary log formats
  13. Partitioning Changes
  14. Performance testing
  15. Is the feature claim to have performance improvement (time to first row)
  16. Do you see any implication on performance
  17. Any thing related Index
  18. Any thing touching optimizer
  19. Backup Testing
  20. Upgrade downgrade testing
  21. On disk format changes
  22. Changes in system table
  23. Retire or deprecate any mysqld configuration options
  24. Downgrade supported

The list looks pretty complete to me. It’s confidence inspiring to see the level of detailed consideration that is going into MySQL 5.7. As Tomas mentioned in his keynote MySQL 5.7 DMR releases are heavily tested and should be considered of release candidate quality. Anitha has also wrote about the QA process in this blog post.

The slow decline of using MySQL read slaves

Once upon a time, it was a very common MySQL choice to have an application split its queries between two connections, sending reads to a slave and writes directly to the master.

I won’t say this technique is no longer used (it certainly is) but I have been observing its popularity decline slowly over the years. Today I wanted to try and provide insight into some of the possible reasons:

  1. InnoDB as default. MyISAM table locks are very high impact for high throughput systems – worse still, MyISAM does not have MVCC, an algorithm that allows InnoDB reads to be non blocking. Running with multiple replication slaves was very important to distribute read-locks across an array of servers. With InnoDB, for most people this should now be a non-issue.
  2. Single-threaded replication. When hardware has multiple CPUs and multiple disks in RAID (and many SSDs in singular) it often requires multiple concurrent threads to be able to exploit all of the capacity that it can offer. Master servers can exploit this capacity very well, but they then replicate to slaves through a single thread. This creates a situation where the problem is not read scaling (which splitting reads/writes solves very well) but write scaling. The slaves very quickly become the bottleneck as they can not keep up.
  3. Increased desire for ACID behaviour. MySQL replication slaves are asynchronous[1], which means that if the application does an immediate read-after-write, then there is a good chance stale data might be served from a slave. Actually, it’s worse than that: with single-threaded slaves, if there is a 10 second update on the master, there is at least a 10 second delay on all slaves.

    Since the data is in an inconsistent state, mixing reads and writes between masters and slaves like this is not ACID compliant and introduces what I would call “asynchronous failures”. This leads to more time spent debugging errors.

    MySQL has also been reducing the performance hit to run ACID (including durability) in recent versions. I recommend it for most people.

    [1] Semi-sync introduced in MySQL 5.5 only ensures one slave is up to date.

  4. Increased performance-per-server. From MySQL 5.5 onwards there has been a huge focus on performance. Add to that increased memory in new servers, fast SSDs, it is possible that for some users their lifetime performance needs can be answered by a single server without the need for architectural changes.

Of these points, I suspect 1, 2, & 3 are the most likely, and to some degree 2 (single-threaded replication) makes 3 (consistency) worse because of the single threaded blips. There has been a lot of progress made to improve this in new versions:

  • MySQL 5.6 introduced parallel replication slaves across schemas. This increases the write throughput of slaves significantly, you just have to split tables across multiple databases then set –slave-parallel-workers to take advantage.
  • MySQL 5.7 DMR2 takes this one step further and offers intra-schema parallel replication. This offers parallel slaves and can keep all tables in the same schema.

So it is possible that we may actually see a return of read/write split in coming years. But it is also possible that as MySQL Fabric matures we may see users just rely on sharding instead, even though these two solutions should be orthogonal. It is so hard to predict the future.

I should also point out: I still see slaves immensely valuable for HA/DR as well as a place to send very heavy reporting queries to. This hasn’t changed.

What do you think about read/write split?