MySQL 5.6.23 Community Release Notes

Thank you to the MySQL Community, on behalf of the MySQL team @ Oracle. Your bug reports, testcases and patches have helped create a better MySQL 5.6.23.

In particular:

  • Thank you to Inaam Rana for reporting an issue with the InnoDB purge thread state and tablespace export operations. Bug #75298.
  • Thank you to Inaam Rana for reporting that the INNODB_METRICS adaptive_hash_searches_btree counter failed to report counter data. Bug #74511.
  • Thank you to Shahriyar Rzayev and David Bennett for suggesting improvements to error messages from InnoDB on non-Windows platforms David also provided a suggested patch. Bug #73365.
  • Thank you to Sadao Hiratsuka and Piotr Jurkiewicz for independently reporting that integer columns failed to increment and decrement correctly when using the memcached plugin. Piotr also provided a suggested patch to fix the issue. Bug #69415, Bug #74874.
  • Thank you to Roel Van de Paar for reporting a security issue. Bug #74292.
  • Thank you to Roel Van de Paar for reporting a security issue. Bug #74597.
  • Thank you to Santosh Praneeth Banda for reporting a situation where a slave could have more GTIDs than a master, and data inconsistency could occur. Bug #72635.
  • Thank you to Domas Mituzas for reporting that when using SHOW SLAVE STATUS to monitor replication performance, Seconds_Behind_Master sometimes displayed unexpected lag behind the master. Bug #72376.
  • Thank you to Matt Swanson for reporting that InnoDB full-text boolean searches incorrectly handled + combined with parentheses. Bug #74845.
  • Thank you to Roel Van de Paar for reporting a security issue. Bug #74447.
  • Thank you to Sean Pringle for reporting that an internal temporary table could cause problems if the file was orphaned and the name was used later for other queries. Bug #32917.

Thank you again to all the community contributors listed above. If I missed a name here, please let me know!

– Morgan

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I joined MySQL AB in 2006, left, and am now back at Oracle working on the MySQL team. I’ve also worked at Percona and InPowered.